Project Details


KIPP Columbus


Moody | Nolan


115,000 SF (Grades K-1) | 170,000 SF (Grades 2-5)

KIPP Columbus

Columbus, OH

The scope of these projects consist of the construction of a new, approximately 115,000 GSF, Kindergarten through Grade 1 facility and a new, approximately 170,000 GSF, Classroom facility for Grades 2 through 5. Construction of these new facilities will be on approximately 35 acres and will include all site development and utilities necessary for the new facilities. The architectural style currently on the campus will continue with these new, state-of-the-art facilities and allow the KIPP Columbus student population to grow to nearly 4,000 students. This Project will be constructed using a “phased” release of design documents at critical time-frames to allow for the construction of the site and buildings in a “phased” approach.

Columbus - HQ

1907 Leonard Ave.

Columbus, OH 43219


2001 West 18th Street

Indianapolis, IN 46202

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